Sustainable Value Creation Via Growth Investing
& Special Situation Investing.
& Special Situation Investing.
Investment Mindset of the Fund
- Investment Mindset of the Fund
- Future Ready Businesses.
- Importance to position sizing.
- After all, the big money is made in Quality businesses only.
Expertise you need. Service you deserve!

Source: SEBI Data, PMSBazaar & MoneyControl
Best Performing
Best performing PMS across all fund categories in June 2020 (+24.71%).
Past Performance
Best Indian fund across all categories (+61%) over the last 3 months period (Jun-Aug 2020).
Time Horizon
Best performing PMS across all fund categories in August 2020 (+25.13%).
Ranked 1st
Ranked 1st on all India basis for Financial year to date period with +114% gain (April 2020 – November 2020).
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Metamorphosis - Demergers
- The process of ‘Structural Change’.
- In the stock market, this happens often via Demergers, Takeovers etc.
The moment a stock changes promoters, its corporate governance discount
goes away and a Caterpillar can become a beautiful Butterfly. - Example Given Below
What Our Clients Say
Read Our Valuable Client Testimonials
Have been Invested with Negen Capital for around 4 years. Have seen growth of over 40% YOY & also the Crash due to Covid.
But seeing the portfolio back up and beating the Large PMS , I am a believer of the systematic approach of Negen Capital.
They have definately proved ,You may not be responsible for getting knocked down. But you're certainly responsible for getting back up.

I started with Negen Capital in 2017 and have been happy with the performance of my portfolio.
I find Negen Capital to be process driven, ethical and honest. Neil Bahal is easily approachable for any doubts and clarifications which reinforce my faith in Negen capital.

Negen Capital PMS has always guided us well through all market cycles and given above market returns. Almost consistently beaten the benchmark indices.

No. of complaints as per SEBI guidelines
At the beginning of the month
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